jsonfeed package


jsonfeed.core module

class jsonfeed.core.JSONFeed(title, link, description, language=None, author_email=None, author_name=None, author_link=None, subtitle=None, categories=None, feed_url=None, feed_copyright=None, image=None, feed_guid=None, ttl=None, **kwargs)

Bases: feedgenerator.django.utils.feedgenerator.SyndicationFeed

add_item_elements(item, handler=None)

Add elements on each item (i.e. item/entry) element.


Add elements in the root (i.e. feed/channel) element. Called from write().

content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
static json_serial(obj)

Custom JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default.

write(outfile, encoding)

Outputs the feed in the given encoding to outfile, which is a file-like object. Subclasses should override this.

jsonfeed.core.format_json_feed_author(author_link, author_name, author_email)